Jay Syrmopoulos, Free Thought Project

Jay Syrmopoulos

Free Thought Project

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  • Unknown
  • Free Thought Project
  • The D.C. Clothesline
  • The Daily Sheeple
  • The Event Chronicle
  • Mint Press News
  • Intellihub
  • AlterNet

Past articles by Jay:

Sheriff Accused of Holding Cocaine Parties for Fellow Cops to Rape Underage Girls

An alleged victim of law enforcement parties in which cops would give cocaine to young girls and rape them has come forward to tell her story. → Read More

Dept of Justice Announces Landmark Ruling Effectively Legalizing 3D Printed Guns

Wilson makes no secret that the intention behind distributing CAD files to create homemade guns is to make gun control measure obsolete and bolster the Second Amendment, which is under continual as… → Read More

Dept of Justice Announces Landmark Ruling Effectively Legalizing 3D Printed Guns

The government is now being forced to admit that it is legal for 3D print gun designs to be sold online, in a landmark victory for the Second Amendment. → Read More

Mom Brought 10-Month-Old to the Hospital for a Cough—And Cops Kidnapped Him

St. Paul, MN — What began as a routine trip to the doctor for her child’s cough culminated in Amanda Weber having her ten-month-old son Zayvion being taken out of her home and put into foster care.… → Read More

WATCH: Tough-On-Crime State Rep. Who Pushed Laws to Benefit Cops, Gets DWI—Despite Begging

Albuquerque, NM — Body camera footage has been released that shows tough-on-crime, pro-law enforcement Republican state Rep. Monica Youngblood, 41, who was arrested on suspicion of driving under th… → Read More

Rothschilds, NXIVM Sex Cult Connected to Alleged Child-Trafficking Bunker Found in Tucson

Perhaps now you can begin to see why both the news of the bunker in Tucson — with a Rothschild mayor — and the NVIMX sex cult's connections to the centers of financial and political power are not featured front and center on CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc. → Read More

Rothschilds, NXIVM Sex Cult Connected to Alleged Child-Trafficking Bunker Found in Tucson

Tucson, AZ — As we reported yesterday, a group of veterans known as Veterans on Patrol (VOP), which looks for homeless veterans around the area and offers them help to get them on their feet, spott… → Read More

Rothschilds, NXIVM Sex Cult Connected to Alleged Child-Trafficking Bunker Found in Tucson

The area in which a group of veterans claims to have found a child trafficking bunker is owned by CEMEX, a multinational building company partially owned by the firm linked to the NXIVM cult, Bronfman → Read More

Council on Foreign Relations Tells Gov’t They “Have To” Use Propaganda on Americans

By Jay Syrmopoulos The Council on Foreign Relations delivered an Orwellian presentation recently that unsurprisingly went unnoticed in the mainstream media, in which CFR’s Richard Stengel forwarded the notion that governments “have to” direct “propaganda” at their → Read More

Council on Foreign Relations Tells Gov’t They “Have To” Use Propaganda on Americans

The Council on Foreign Relations delivered an Orwellian presentation recently that unsurprisingly went unnoticed in the mainstream media, in which CFR’s Richard Stengel forwarded the notion that go… → Read More

Pink Floyd Frontman Opens Show By Exposing The Government Silencing of Julian Assange

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters showed solidarity with Julian Assange during a concert in Berlin by unveiling a message in red text projected onto a black backdrop, which read “Resist the attemp… → Read More

Parents Jailed, 15-Year-Old Kidnapped by Gov’t, For Using Cannabis to Stop His Seizures

Macon, GA – A teenager who suffers from seizures was forcibly separated from his parents and put into state custody, while his parents were jailed and charged with reckless conduct after they provi… → Read More

Activist Jailed for Reporting on Pedophiles in UK, Gov’t Bans Media From Reporting It

London, UK – Founder of the English Defense League, and staunch British nationalist, Tommy Robinson was arrested by British authorities on May 25 outside of a Leeds Crown Court. He was holding a Fa… → Read More

Google Employees Resign In Protest Of Pentagon AI Project

By Jay Syrmopoulos Mountain View, CA — At least a dozen Google employees have resigned in protest over the company collaborating with the Department of Defense by supplying artificial intelligence for a controversial military pilot program → Read More

Paddock 2.0? Man Claiming to Be Federal Agent Found in Hotel With Arsenal & Psych Meds

After a man's social media posts were flagged by the FBI, a tip to the Honolulu Police resulted in officers finding a large cache of loaded weapons during a welfare check at his hotel room. → Read More

Paddock 2.0? Man Claiming to Be Federal Agent Found in Hotel With Arsenal & Psych Meds

Waikiki, HI – After a man’s social media posts were flagged by the FBI, a tip to the Honolulu Police resulted in officers finding a large cache of loaded weapons during a welfare check at his hotel… → Read More

Federal Court Proves Gov’t Loyalty to Big Pharma, Rules CBD Has No Medical Value

Washington, D.C. – The United States hemp industry was dealt a major blow on Monday after the federal U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a decision by the Drug Enforcement Agency to list can… → Read More

Federal Court Proves Gov't Loyalty to Big Pharma, Rules CBD Has No Medical Value

A federal appeals court ruled against the thousands of people who have experienced the life-saving effects of CBD oil by upholding the decision that the substance is a Schedule 1 drug. → Read More

Saudi Arabia Exposed as Secret Hand Behind Ongoing Syrian Regime Change Operation

Washington, D.C. – A revealing report by the Foreign Policy Journal from 2016 lays the groundwork for explaining many of the geopolitical manifestations we are currently seeing at play between the … → Read More

Western Media Finally Investigates Alleged Chemical Attack in Syria and Finds “NO EVIDENCE”

Douma, Syria – Critically acclaimed war reporter Robert Fisk published a stunning account of the alleged chemical attack in the Damascus suburb of Douma on April 7, which included testimony from a … → Read More