Kirsten Powers, The News Leader

Kirsten Powers

The News Leader

Washington, DC, United States

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Past articles by Kirsten:

Renaming bases and removing statues that honor racist leaders will help America begin anew

In a healthy democracy, people should value the truth and not try to suppress it because it challenges their preferred narrative. → Read More

America's overdue reckoning with white supremacy: 'We have allowed evil to flourish'

White people have to finally face up to our failure to eradicate the white supremacy that infects our society. → Read More

Biden denies sex assault claim. If you don't believe him, should you vote for him anyway?

If you believe Reade's claims but grasp the unique danger Trump presents, it's best to ignore black-and-white analysis and search your own conscience. → Read More

Face facts, Bernie Sanders is electable

It’s well past time to bury the 'Bernie is unelectable' trope. He has a better shot than moderate Bloomberg. → Read More

Don't mock Marianne Williamson, Democrats need her spiritual politics in dark Trump era

Williamson is not a dingbat interloper in the 2020 Democratic debates. It's been frustrating to see my brilliant friend caricatured based on ignorance. → Read More

Mayor Pete Buttigieg's countercultural approach to Christianity is what America needs now

In a pugilistic take-no-prisoners era, Mayor Pete preaches grace toward political foes while doubting Trump's Christianity. → Read More

I'm not proud of role I’ve played in toxic public debate

Whether it is the Covington controversy or the abortion debate, it’s critical to remember that people are not the sum of their worst moments in life. → Read More

Kirsten Powers: I'm not proud of role I’ve played in toxic public debate. I plan to change.

Whether it is the Covington controversy or the abortion debate, it’s critical to remember that people are not the sum of their worst moments in life. → Read More

Gillette commercial controversy: Men must adapt to the #MeToo era

Gillette is taking on toxic masculinity. Based on the furious reaction to this effort, the message is more needed than we realized. → Read More

Gillette commercial controversy: Men should just get over it and adapt to #MeToo era

Gillette is taking on toxic masculinity. Based on the furious reaction to this effort, the message is more needed than we realized. → Read More

Megyn Kelly was making racist comments long before blackface. NBC hired her anyway.

'Megyn Kelly TODAY' has been canceled. Her past racial demagoguery should have disqualified her in the first place, one columnist says. → Read More

Megyn Kelly was making racist comments long before 'blackface.' NBC hired her anyway.

Megyn Kelly is reportedly on her way out of the Today Show and maybe NBC. Her past racial demagoguery should have disqualified her in the first place. → Read More

OPINION: Now we know, and a reckoning coming on sex assaults

Decades ago, girls didn’t understand what happened to them; now they do → Read More

I was sexually assaulted and thought it was my fault. It's past time for a 1980s reckoning.

I believe in redemption, but I wouldn't want my attacker to be rewarded with a Supreme Court job. That's the wrong message to send teen boys and girls. → Read More

After Kavanaugh v Ford hearing, Republican men remain 'addicted to the patriarchy'

After the Brett Kavanaugh v Christine Blasey Ford hearings, it falls on female Republican senators to demand a full FBI investigation of Kavanaugh. → Read More

OPINION: Truth is, Trump has always admired dictators

His style of governing shouldn’t surprise any of us → Read More

Donald Trump has always expressed love for authoritarian leaders, but we failed to listen

How did the US end up with a president who hates the press and envies dictators like Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin? → Read More

Americans are depressed and suicidal because something is wrong with our culture

I understand what Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain were going through because I have been there. → Read More

Yes, liberals can be condescending. Trump is still conservatives’ fault.

If liberals have to own coastal elitism, Trump voters have to own their uncritical allegiance to a deeply flawed president. → Read More

Kevin Williamson is wrong. Hanging women who have an abortion is not pro-life

Kevin Williamson wasn't fired by 'The Atlantic' for being anti-abortion or having 'mainstream' conservative views, but for wanting women to suffer. → Read More