Meghan L. O'Sullivan, Washington Post

Meghan L. O'Sullivan

Washington Post

United States

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Past articles by Meghan:

Russia Oil Sanctions Don’t Have to Be a Blunt Instrument

The approach used on Iran a decade ago could punish Moscow without risking the global economy. → Read More

Russia Oil Sanctions Don’t Have to Be a Blunt Instrument

The approach used on Iran a decade ago could punish Moscow without risking the global economy. → Read More

Russia’s Oil Weapon May Be More Potent Than Gas Blackmail

Responding to sanctions by cutting crude supplies in a tight market would hurt not just Europe but American consumers as well. → Read More

Europe’s Gas Crunch Isn’t All Good News For Producers

Yes, Putin is getting a major short-term advantage. But green energy is the future, and spikes in fossil-fuel prices may keep exporters from preparing for the transition. → Read More

Saudi-UAE Split Won’t End Until the World Goes Green

The Emiratis won this month's showdown because they are far better prepared for the demise of OPEC+. → Read More

The Problem With Biden’s Red Line to Putin on Cyberattacks

A list of 16 “untouchable” entities raises the question of whether other targets are fair game. → Read More

Saudi Arabia and the U.S. Still Need Each Other

Its oil is no longer vital, but the Kingdom can be a partner for Middle East peace and — no joke — fighting climate change. → Read More

After Oil: Throwing Money at Green Energy Isn’t Enough

Lots of stimulus funds are being directed to renewable technologies, but government policies will be more important. → Read More

Pandemic Is Hurting, Not Helping, Green Energy

Environmentalists and “degrowthers” are hoping the global economic slump is a model for phasing out fossil fuels. They are likely to be disappointed. → Read More

Trump’s Iran Speech Had Three Audiences

Most listeners should be pleased by the president’s apparent desire to de-escalate. → Read More

Iraq’s Two New Leaders Offer a Glimmer of Hope

(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Tuesday was a great day for Iraq. For a country whose leaders have often disappointed, two exceptional people were tapped to be the highest leaders — in what was Iraq’s fourth peaceful transition of power since 2005. → Read More

Trump Wouldn’t Owe Putin a ‘Thank You’ for Selling More Oil

The president's deals with foreign leaders are like a quid pro quo, except Americans don't get anything out of them. → Read More

Trump Wouldn’t Owe Putin a ‘Thank You’ for Selling More Oil

Trump Wouldn’t Owe Putin a ‘Thank You’ for Selling More Oil → Read More

Lessons for Trump After His Clumsy Dance With OPEC

Make it a little easier for the Saudis to do your bidding by being more discreet than a tweet. → Read More

Lessons for Trump After His Clumsy Dance With OPEC

The world was in suspense a week ago wondering whether OPEC and non-OPEC producers would put more oil on tightening global markets. Turns out: Yes, they will. But, as the story does not end here, it is worth assessing where we are and how we got here. While the U.S. seems to have gotten what it wanted, it is not all good news. → Read More

Hints From Oil Ministers Before OPEC’s Big Day

Iran is realizing how lonely its road will be. The U.S. is a major preoccupation, but perhaps not that influential anymore. → Read More

Trump’s Trade War Has a Bright Side for Canada

An oil-pipeline controversy looks different after the U.S. slaps tariffs on steel. → Read More

Trump’s Trade War Has a Bright Side for Canada

Last week was a trying one for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. You may think that I am referring to the imposition of U.S. tariffs on imports of Canadian steel. But Trudeau actually faced a harder issue than the one about how to respond to President Donald Trump’s declaration that trade with Canada posed a threat to U.S. security. → Read More

Trump Has Options If Oil Market Panics About Iran

The administration has a few safety valves. → Read More

Iran Oil Sanctions: Trump Has Some Room to Ease Off

Oil markets have so far reacted to President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal without either enthusiasm or panic — without even much apparent interest. → Read More