Olivia Goldhill, STAT

Olivia Goldhill


United Kingdom

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  • STAT
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  • The Telegraph

Past articles by Olivia:

How a depression test devised by a Zoloft marketer became a crutch for a failing mental health system

In an overstretched health care system warped by business interests, a depression survey has become a crutch — used in place of, rather than as a gateway to, thoughtful care. → Read More

Psychedelic therapy is moving to the next frontier: workplace perk

Health insurers are years away from covering psychedelics, but employers — eager to offer whatever perks might entice talent — may be poised to do so much sooner. → Read More

'This actually changes everything': Altered image in 1999 paper raises potential peril for Stanford president

New findings of altered images in research co-authored by Stanford University president Marc Tessier-Lavigne add to the weight of allegations against him, according to experts on research misconduct. → Read More

The scientist behind Pfizer’s Covid vaccine says a flu pandemic is only a matter of time

Vaccine researcher Kathrin Jansen said at the #STATSummit that a flu pandemic is inevitable: “The question is, does it come tomorrow or 50 years from now?” → Read More

Colorado poised to become second state with legalized ‘medicinal psychedelics’

Colorado looks set to legalize magic mushrooms in this week’s midterm elections, with the group opposing the ballot question conceding defeat. → Read More

'We're sick of watching women die': In Michigan, doctors rally to protect abortion access

“Doctors fought hard for these rights because we’re sick of watching women die,” Melissa Bayne, an OB-GYN in Fremont, Mich., told the audience at a rally Saturday. → Read More

‘Intriguing and sobering’: Enthusiasm over psilocybin’s effect on depression tempered by questions about durability

A response in patients with treatment-resistant depression is promising, though the effects of psilocybin were not as long-lasting as seen in earlier and smaller studies. → Read More

After Dobbs, U.S. medical students head abroad for abortion training no longer provided by their schools

As a wave of abortion restrictions sweeps the U.S., medical schools and residency programs are struggling to ensure future doctors are adequately trained. → Read More

‘A scary time’: Fear of prosecution forces doctors to choose between protecting themselves or their patients

State laws criminalizing abortion have put physicians under intense scrutiny and made them fearful, with implications that extend well beyond abortion. → Read More

Supreme Court decision suggests the legal right to contraception is also under threat

The Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade suggests other rights founded on the same principle of privacy, including gay sex, same-sex marriage, interracial marriage, and the freedom to use contraception, are now also called into question. → Read More

Rich countries are hoarding more Covid vaccines than needed for boosters

Even accounting for rich nations' booster shots, there’s ample supply of Covid vaccines to meet global vaccination goals for the end of 2021. → Read More

Psilocybin trial finds psychedelic is effective in treating depression

Overall, 29.1% of patients in the highest-dose group were in remission three weeks after treatment, compared to 7.6% in the control group. → Read More

Athira chief executive resigns as company confirms she altered research

The chief executive Athira Pharma left the company after papers she published as a student were found to contain altered research. → Read More

Why the Covax vaccine program failed

Conceived at the start of the pandemic, Covax pursued lofty goals, promising fair access to Covid-19 vaccines for every country worldwide, and to give them free to the poorest. → Read More

'Naively ambitious':How COVAX failed on its promise to vaccinate the world

The global collaboration, set up early in the pandemic to give people in rich and poor nations equitable access to vaccines, has fallen short. → Read More

Athira cited altered studies in $15 million NIH grant application

Three altered papers co-authored by former chief executive Leen Kawas were referenced in an Athira application for NIH funding. → Read More

Rural Black communities lose a lifeline in the Covid-19 pandemic

“I hate that it closed,” Latasha Taylor said. “That doesn’t make a lot of sense. Why would you close a hospital in the middle of a pandemic?” → Read More

Shots for rural Black communities going to wealthy white Floridians

Vaccine drives intended for underserved communities became destinations for people who know whom to call and how to advocate for themselves. → Read More

More Covid-19 vaccines bring choices and complications to rollout

The new vaccines could complicate an already-messy rollout. But their different features also open the door to greater convenience. → Read More

Undercounting of Covid-19 deaths is greatest in pro-Trump areas

Tens of thousands of Covid-19 deaths are going unreported, with far more missed in counties that strongly supported former President Trump. → Read More