Jessica Prois, NBC News

Jessica Prois

NBC News

New York, NY, United States

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Past articles by Jessica:

Oscar-nominated doc 'Minding the Gap' tackles violence through lens of race, gender

"Minding the Gap," which premiered at Sundance in 2018 and was released by Hulu last August, is up for Best Documentary Feature at this year's Academy Awards. → Read More

How 'Asian August' could impact Sundance and indie film spaces

In order to truly say an appetite for Asian films exists, indie films need to succeed alongside studio productions, author and sociologist Nancy Wang Yuen said. → Read More

'Crazy Rich Asians' Has Even The Most Hardened Asians Crying At The Theater

“To have to work to find yourself in narratives that aren’t necessarily about or for you ... I think it’s just like this huge weight that we all stopped ... → Read More

Sarah Jeong, New York Times Editorial Board Member, Has A Right To Be Angry

And the Times' defense of Jeong tells Asian-Americans our anger is merited. → Read More

Asians Now Have The Largest Income Gap In America

Smashing another stereotype, a new study shows that Asians are the "most economically divided" group in the U.S. → Read More

Joel Kim Booster On Finding The Comedy In Queer Asian Male Stereotypes

"No matter what you do, you’re pathologized as a gay that’s trying to act masculine or an Asian trying to be masculine." → Read More

The Genteel Racism Behind The New York Times' Canal Street Gentrification Piece

The Chinatown the Times sniffs at — the various “low” exotica, the wares being hawked, the tourists — is rooted in immigrants' desire to make a living. → Read More

Asian Stock Photos Are Often Stereotypical, So We Shot Our Own

In stock shots, East Asian–Americans are often peripheral characters or stereotypes like doctors and students. → Read More

For Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, A CelebrAsian Of Dual Identities

Kicking off a month of embracing our hyphenated heritage. → Read More

Yuhua Hamasaki From ‘Drag Race’ On Asian Pride And Dating Across The Gender Spectrum

"As an Asian male, I can never get a date. As a female, it is so easy," she says. → Read More

Artist Who Carried Mattress Across Campus Explores Asian-American Identity In New Exhibit

"Why are we angry Asians? It comes from a place of being stepped on. There is a level of invisibility we have.” → Read More

Why The 'Mike Pence Rule' Is Particularly Dangerous In Korea

Avoiding one-on-one time with women in a country with a huge gender wage gap is not progress. → Read More

The 'Shib Sibs' Talk Asian Representation, Stereotypes And K-Pop

"Growing up as an Asian-American, there aren’t a lot of people that I was able to look up to," Alex Shibutani says. → Read More

Chloe Kim Is Proof There’s No Definable Way To Be Asian-American

An all-American hero who is also unmistakably Korean. → Read More

The #MeToo Movement Looks Different For Women Of Color. Here Are 10 Stories.

Some of the most affected have been left out of the movement, and it's time we talk about it. → Read More

East Asian-Americans On Identity And Learning To Love Their Eyes

"I used to use Scotch tape to make my eyes bigger. Then I said, ‘Hey, this is your face. This is how you look.’" → Read More

Jeremy Lin's Dreads And Kenyon Martin's Chinese Tattoo Are A False Equivalency

They had an honest discussion about race, but the reality is one offense carries more weight than the other. → Read More

Two Asian-Americans On Growing Up In The Midwest vs. Chinatown

What it’s like being one of a few Asian-Americans in school, contrasted with having a whole community you relate to. → Read More

Two Asian-Americans On Growing Up In The Midwest vs. Chinatown

What it’s like being one of a few Asian-Americans in school, contrasted with having a whole community you relate to. → Read More

When You're Queer And Undocumented, The DACA Stakes Are Higher

"For a lot of us, going back to our home countries isn’t an option because of our queerness." → Read More