Tina Benitez-Eves, Men's Fitness

Tina Benitez-Eves

Men's Fitness

New York, NY, United States

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Past articles by Tina:

Healthy Grilling Marinades

Saucing things up to grill doesn’t have to add excess fat as long as you use your creative juices. → Read More

Foods That Kill Your Sex Drive

Pinpont the foods that are wreaking havoc on your bedroom mojo. → Read More

7 Spices With Surprising Health Benefits

7 spice all-stars that add a twist of flavor and amazing healing benefits. → Read More

What The Hell Are FODMAPS?

Five things we learned about the gluten-free-like diet. → Read More

Foods That Prevent Hair Loss

All three of these B vitamins are essential to the normal formation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues in the body, including the hair. Healthy and strong hair relies on a constant supply of blood and oxygen. A deficiency of these B vitamins is like cutting off the blood supply to your hair, leading to increased hair loss, damaged hair and slow re-growth. Best sources of… → Read More

Foods That Prevent Hair Loss

Even if genetics tell you otherwise, hold on to your hair longer with these nutrients. → Read More

5 Reasons You Feel Like an Old Fart

Failure to adapt to the stresses of modern life can accelerate the aging process, contribute to blood sugar issues, weight gain, aches, a plunge in energy or disinterest in sex. “Whenever I ask a man if he's stressed, he generally tells me something like ‘not any more than normal,’” says Schuler. “Well, here's the secret: Most men he's comparing himself to or his own situation is probably not normal… → Read More

5 Reasons You Feel Like an Old Fart

Relieve Stress and keep diet low in sugar to lose stress and weight. → Read More

10 Habits You'll Pay for in 10 Years

What you're doing now may bring you down later. → Read More

10 Habits You'll Pay for in 10 Years

The habit of using your teeth to cut your nails, whether due to extreme nervousness, also known as onchophagia, can pass germs into the body since the hands touch nearly everything. Even if you suds up your hands several times a day or lather on antibacterial lotion, germs sneak in. Nail biting can lead to repeated colds or flu and bacterial infections. Over time, gnawing your nails can put stress… → Read More

10 Habits You'll Pay For in 10 Years

Moderation is the key when it comes to alcohol. “The question isn't do you drink?” says Heslin. “It's how much?” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that one in 10 deaths among adults, ages 20 to 64 (between 2006 and 2010) were attributed to excessive drinking, according to a recent study by—whether short term (car and other accidents) or long-term health issues brought on by… → Read More

5 Foods That Make Your Body Freak Out

Don’t be fooled. Eggs aren’t just a childhood allergy. Occasionally the allergy will carry over into adulthood. That morning omelet may be causing hives, swelling, upset stomach, or a stuffy or runny nose. “The average age of adults [suffering from food allergies] we have found is 31 years old, which I think would surprise many people who typically think of food allergy in children,” says Bryce. Reactions… → Read More

5 Foods That Make Your Body Freak Out

Sensitivities to these common foods could be the reason you don't feel 100%. → Read More

Foods That Hit the 'Reset' Button

Healing fare for the sleep-deprived, sugar-addicted, binge drinkers and more. → Read More