Jacey Eckhart, Military.com

Jacey Eckhart


Virginia Beach, VA, United States

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Past articles by Jacey:

How to Brilliantly Interview Veterans and Transitioning Military Members (and Meet Your Veteran Hiring Goal)

Veteran job candidates are easy to interview -- if you know of a few tweaks you can make to your interview process. Learn how to brilliantly interview veterans and transitioning military with these new kickoff modules. → Read More

Don't Ask, Don't Sell: 13 New Rules for Networking During Military Transition

There are new rules for networking for job-seeking veterans, spouses and military in transition. Networking events are not required. Cold-calling strangers is no longer a thing. Today's networking for veterans is more about good manners, good memories and good advice. → Read More

Show Me the Money! How to Maximize Your Paycheck After Military Transition

During military transition, you are the only person who can negotiate your biggest salary ever. Learn everything you need to know about earning post-military money, including how to be your own Jerry Maguire and negotiate your paycheck like a champ. → Read More

What Do All the Best Veteran Employers Have in Common?

Identifying the top employers with a true heart for veterans is an important part of our strategy at the Veteran Employment Project. In addition to looking for mechanisms to bridge the networking gap, what other factors should we consider? Military.com staff weigh in. → Read More

Is Your New Civilian Job a Nightmare? 7 Ways Veterans Can Fix Job Problems with Class

What was your first clue that you took the wrong job after a move or after your military transition? It is a tough career spot to be in as a veteran or a military spouse, but you can break free with some simple questions that lead to powerful strategies for change. → Read More

How Introverted Veterans Can Beat Extroverts to the Job Offer

While the job hunt seems to favor extroverted veterans and spouses, introverts really have the advantage. Find out how you can use your natural powers of introversion to land the job you want most with our newest master class. → Read More

6 Inescapable Realities of the Veteran Job Hunt (and How to Escape Them)

For veterans and spouses, the message that the job hunt should be easy is so loud that when you run into difficulties, you think there is something wrong with you. You chalk it up to a lack of time, a weakness in your character or an insincerity in the market. Instead, there are many inescapable realities in the transition job hunt and in the spouse job hunt. Face them, and you find that there… → Read More

5 Cool LinkedIn Skills Every Veteran Must Know to Get a Job

To really get a job using LinkedIn, you need cool skills and insider knowledge. How do you get those skills without looking like a dork? You come right to us at the Veteran Employment Project. We understand the intersection between what the work world expects of you and what veterans expect of the world. → Read More

5 Resumes You'll Meet in Heaven

When you read thousands of resumes from transitioning military, veterans, senior leaders and spouses, you recognize these resumes are so earnestly written, they could not possibly disappear into the Cloud -- even if they did not result in a job. At least five resumes wait to meet you in heaven that represent an important part of who you needed to become before you landed the civilian job you… → Read More

The Truth About How LinkedIn Really Works for Veterans and Spouses

LinkedIn is designed to help everyone connect with their next job. For veterans and spouses, however, LinkedIn works a little differently. Sometimes it is helpful, sometimes frustrating, sometimes educational. Learn the truth about how LinkedIn really works for veterans and spouses and shorten your job hunt by months. → Read More

Zoom Background or 'I Love Me’ Wall: What Is Your Video Background Saying About You?

Active-duty military and veterans often have an I-Love-Me wall in view of their computer's camera. Does this collection of photos, flags and framed awards help your job search or send a signal that you are not ready for the civilian world? Should you get a fake Zoom background instead? Find out how your I-Love-Me wall can be part of giving your best video interview yet. → Read More

Veteran Job Hunters: What 'Tell Me About Yourself' Really Means During an Interview

Does a job interview make you think you should confess every detail about your "sordid" past before the interviewer asks you about it? While your commitment to authenticity in the smallest detail is exemplary, it is not helping you get hired. Know how to prepare an answer for the question most frequently asked in any interview and get ready to say yes to the job offer. → Read More

Dear 'Bitter About Your Career': What I Would Say to Military Spouses

As an active-duty military spouse, I confess I have often been bitter about my career. Twenty moves, eight deployments, three kids, two geographic bachelor tours and countless unimpressed hiring managers will do that to a person. → Read More

How to Use the '5 Things Strategy' to Power Up Your Resume

You think your resume is full of the most important information ever. After looking at thousands of resumes, I can tell you there are only five types of information in your resume -- and you don't need two of them. Find out which things are moving you forward and which are moving you back with the "Five Things Strategy." → Read More

Like Guacamole, Federal Resumes Have a Key Ingredient. Find Out What It Is.

Writing a federal resume is like making guacamole. Just like you can't make guacamole without avocados, you can't make a successful federal resume without core competencies. Find out how this one ingredient will move your federal resume from the bottom of the pile to the top of the world. → Read More

Best Military Trade Shows and Conferences for Job-Seeking Veterans

Large military trade shows and annual conferences are a great place to reignite your networking when you are looking for a job in the defense industry. In addition to a list of the biggest and the best, find our tips on how conferences work specifically for veteran jobs. → Read More

How Veterans Can Get a Year's Worth of Networking Done in One Day

Get a year's worth of networking done in one day by attending a defense industry conference, trade show or association meeting. Use our 19 tips to help you develop the leads you need to find a high-paying job in an interesting industry without any awkwardness, fakery or impostor demons. → Read More

Transition Tips for Your Personality Type

Your own personality can be a major tool to move your military transition forward. By applying Gretchen Rubin's Four Tendencies of Upholder, Rebel, Questioner and Obliger, you can determine your biggest crazy makers and how to solve them. → Read More

7 Ways Your Dream Job Is Holding You Back

Getting a dream job after military service is what we would all like. But how do you find your dream job in an ocean of opportunities, certifications, job listings and possibilities. The first step is figuring out the ways in which your dream job is holding you back. → Read More

7 Arresting Beliefs of Highly Successful Job Hunters

Military job seekers can get stuck in their career, because certain parts of the job hunt make no sense to you. Here are seven beliefs that can change your actions and results and make that job offer show up sooner than you thought. → Read More