Jan Stenberg, InfoQ

Jan Stenberg



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Past articles by Jan:

Software Architecture and Design InfoQ Trends Report—April 2020

An overview of how the InfoQ editorial team sees the Software Architecture and Design topic evolving in 2020, with a focus on fundamental architectural patterns, framework usage, and design skills. → Read More

Evolving Architecture with DDD and Hypermedia: Einar Høst at DDD Europe

Hypermedia is an enabler for a better architecture, Einar Høst claimed in his presentation at the recent DDD Europe 2020 conference in Amsterdam. In his talk he described the architecture challenges at NRK TV, the TV streaming service at the Norwegian public broadcaster, and how they migrated their monolithic architecture into a more modular design and implemented hypermedia in their Player API. → Read More

Balancing Coupling in Distributed Systems: Vladik Khononov at DDD Europe

We have been told that coupling is bad, so we decouple everything and break everything apart into tiny services that can be changed independently. But by following this reasoning we often end up with a distributed mess, Vladik Khononov noted in his presentation at the recent DDD Europe 2020 conference in Amsterdam. Instead of fighting coupling, he proposes that we use it as a design tool. → Read More

Dissecting Bounded Contexts: Nick Tune at DDD Europe

There are many reasons for breaking up systems and making them more modular, Nick Tune noted in his keynote at the recent DDD Europe 2020 conference. We lower the cognitive load, teams can work independently, and from a business perspective we can do more granular investments. In his presentation, Tune discussed how by dissecting bounded contexts we can find more options when designing them. → Read More

How Serverless Impacts Design: Gojko Adzic at DDD Europe

Serverless architectures are becoming mainstream and can reduce both time to market and operational costs. But to benefit from them, applications must be designed around the constraints of this architecture style. At the recent DDD Europe 2020 conference, Gojko Adzic discussed his experience using serverless and how DDD and a serverless architecture will impact the design of an application. → Read More

Event Sourcing Done Right - Experience from the Trenches: Dennis Doomen at DDD Europe

Event sourcing is just a tool; it’s not a top level architecture style and should not be used everywhere, Dennis Doomen pointed out in his presentation on the Event Sourcing day at the DDD Europe 2020 Conference in Amsterdam where he shared some of the practices he has found useful when applying event sourcing to a problem. → Read More

Experience from Using Event Streams, Kafka and the Confluent Platform at Deutsche Bahn

To provide trip information to its rail passengers, Deutsche Bahn (DB) has created the RI-Plattform (Passenger Information Application) based on Apache Kafka and Kafka Streams with a plan to feed all information channels through the system. In a blog post, Axel Löhn and Uwe Eisele describes the microservices based design, how they build and run the system, and their experience from production. → Read More

Modular Monolithic Architecture, Microservices and Architectural Drivers

Kamil Grzybek thinks that too often we implement a microservices architecture because we believe it will solve all problems in a monolithic application. Instead, we should focus on architectural drivers to find the best architecture for a system. In a series of articles, he has started to describe the basic concepts of a modular monolith and the drivers leading to a specific architecture. → Read More

Change Data Capture Tool Debezium 1.0 Final Released

The open source change data capture (CDC) tool Debezium 1.0 Final was recently released with an event format clean-up, increased test coverage of databases, and 96 issues addressed. In a blog post Gunnar Morling describes Debezium's basic concepts and some common use cases, and details about both the current release and what to expect in future releases. → Read More

Decision Strategies for a Micro Frontends Architecture

Micro frontends is an architectural style for frontend applications based on the concepts of microservices and Luca Mezzalira believes this is a style that will change the future of these applications. There are some challenges though and architectural decisions that must be made and he has therefore created a decisions process for embracing a micro frontends architecture. → Read More

Dynein – An Asynchronous Background Job Service from Airbnb

At Airbnb, they move time consuming, resource intensive tasks over to asynchronous background jobs to improve scalability. The job scheduling system has become a very important component and they have therefore built Dynein, a distributed delayed job queueing service and scheduler. In a blog post Andy Fang from Airbnb describes the background and challenges designing and building the service. → Read More

Design and Implementation of a DDD-Based Modular Monolith

Kamil Grzybek recently published a project where he has designed, implemented, and in detail describes a monolithic application with a Domain-Driven Design (DDD) approach. His goal is to show how a monolithic application can be designed and implemented in a modular way. He also discusses some architectural considerations and design patterns he has found useful in the application. → Read More

Q&A with Cyrille Martraire on the Book Living Documentation

Key Takeaways * Documentation means knowledge transfer between people, but does not necessarily have to be written down * Conversations are (often) more important than documents, or documenting conversations * Most, but not all, of the knowledge worth sharing is already somewhere in the system itself, but not necessarily in the most convenient form * The best place to store documentation is on… → Read More

Q&A With Gojko Adzic on the Book Running Serverless

In the book Running Serverless, Gojko Adzic introduces the basic concepts of serverless, but he also explains subjects like storage, session state, and event handling. → Read More

Reasons for Cancelling a Move to Microservices

During a period in which Steven Lemon and his team had less features to implement, the technical leadership at the company decided to move their existing monolith into a microservices architecture. Af → Read More

Characteristics of Serverless Architecture

Too much of the current literature dealing with serverless architecture is driven by cloud providers and focuses only on the benefits, Wisen Tanasa writes in a recent blog post. When a new technology emerges, it's important to understand the implications of adopting it, and Tanasa therefore tries to give a better, more objective understanding of the traits of serverless architecture. → Read More

Going from Microservices to Serverless: Phil Calçado at QCon New York

At several points throuhgout his career, Phil Calçado, who has experience working with SoundCloud, Meetup and SeatGeek, has worked on transitioning monoliths to a microservices architecture. Recently, the challenge has instead been migrating to serverless. In a presentation at the recent QCon New York conference, he talked about his experience combining the serverless concept with microservices. → Read More

Mistakes and Recoveries When Building an Event Sourcing System

When Nat Pryce and his team started building a system based on an event sourced architecture, they made a couple of significant mistakes in the design, but managed to recover from these mistakes with an ease that surprised them. In a blog post, Pryce describes the mistakes they made and the factors that made it possible for them to refactor the architecture and recover from their mistakes. → Read More

High Scalability Workflow Engine Zeebe is Production Ready

Zeebe is a workflow engine designed to meet the scalability requirements of high-performance applications running on cloud-native and event-driven architectures, and to support workflows that span multiple microservices in low latency, high-throughput scenarios. Zeebe 0.20.0 has just been released as a free community edition and is considered production ready. → Read More

API Strategies at eBay

After working with improperly versioned SOAP-based APIs for many years, eBay decided to move to new RESTful APIs with semantic versioning and a deprecation standard. Focus is on extensibility and adaptability to make it easier for developers to create new applications that utilize eBay’s APIs. In a blog post, Tanya Vlahovic describes the concepts and how they are implemented in their APIs. → Read More